The frustrating lockout in the NHL continues today, and is getting close to day 80. As it has been reported by numerous sources, many fans have given up on the season and will not rely on the NHL to play a season this year. Meeting after meeting there just wasn't any progress going on between the NHL and NHLPA, so a mediation group joined the table a couple of days ago. Today was the final meeting between them and below is what reporter Eklund stated:
"Mediation has ended and apparently no results to speak of...however the mediation was cordial and one of the by-products may be the sides realizing the personal aspects of these negotiations are killing the potential deal. With that in mind it is being reported that Bettman has proposed the sides meet without he or Fehr. Just Players vs. Owners. I agree 100% with Gary on this one. It has gotten too personal...Players are making this about Gary, owners are making this about Fehr.....It should be about deal making."
Let's just say this process is getting way out of hand. Donald Fehr is becoming a joke and in my opinion should be fired when and if a deal ever gets done. The NFL was in a lockout but got a done before the regular seasons first game. The NBA was in a lockout and got a deal done so a shortened 66 game season could be played starting on Christmas last year. The MLB has had work stoppages but never so many days to cancel the season at least from the time I was born. So the question coming from fans is, why can't they just agree on a deal. The answer is and always will be MONEY. Players want to play, Donald Fehr wants more money for the players. This isn't going to happen and Fehr should torched ASAP!
To conclude this blog, I believe somehow someway the players will force Fehr to make an agreement with Bettman, and we will see hockey right after Christmas or right after New Years Day. Here's to hoping that we get to watch some hockey this upcoming winter.
-Jimmy "the Fish" Forte (Beat Writer for the Sports Goombah's)
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